Cabbage Beef Casserole

Boulevard’s Favorite Recipes 2004 – 2005, p. 35

1 lb. ground beef (brown & rinse)
½ c. chopped onion
¾ head of cabbage (boil – 5 min.)
1 large can diced tomatoes
Salt, pepper, and garlic salt

It looks like braaaaaaaaaains.

My pot was not equipped for a whole 3/4 head of cabbage, so I stuffed in as much as I could. 

[Preheat oven to 350F.] Mix all together. Put in a 9x9 glass casserole. 

It's hard to see, but after getting boiled and baked the cabbage gets a substantial-yet-malleable texture kind of like noodles. I was impressed with its transformation!

Bake 350F – 45 min.

Top with shredded cheese – return to oven to melt. 

Well OF COURSE there's cheese!

So few ingredients - so much flavor!

My Rating: 5/5 "I was blown away by how delicious this was! All the individual flavors come together into a delicious new whole, which has awesome amounts of tart and salty undertones that combine in a really appealing texture. So impressive!"
