Rum Omelette

6 eggs
½ cup castor sugar
2 teaspoons butter
1 wineglass rum [I used 1/2 cup]
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Pinch of salt

Beat the egg yolks, then stir in sugar, salt and vanilla essence. 

At this point it will feel like you're making a regular, non-lethal omelet. You know, the kind that tastes good.

Add the rum and mix well. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and fold into the yolk mixture. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour in the mixture and cook as an omelette, over a slow heat. 

Even after you pour it in the pan and the smell of the rum truly hits you, you will tell yourself that everything is ok and you're just being a little exotic.

Then it will start to turn tan. You will ask yourself if that's normal and then lie to yourself that it is.

When done, spread with jam, fold over and serve hot.

And then this happens.

You might be better at making omelets than me, but mine completely refused to fold over. 

And then I served up this mess. In a horrifying turn of events, it tastes worse than it looks.

My Rating: 1/5 "This was AWFUL. The eggs are really just a vehicle here for SO MUCH RUM your mouth will be COMPLETELY DISINFECTED. Matt pointed that with the grape jelly it tasted like chewable Manischewitz. He wasn't wrong. Neither of us could finish a serving. #vintagerecipefail"
