Chilly Day Stew

1 large carrot, chopped
3 onions
1 quart potatoes, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons rice
2 tablespoons macaroni
1 teaspoon salt
1 pint cream

In a kettle of rapidly boiling water, cook the carrot while you are cleaning and chopping the onions. Add them to the stew kettle, along with the potatoes, rice, macaroni, and enough water to cover the ingredients. 

It's really thick!

Cook them slowly until they are tender. When ready to serve, add the cream, or substitute butter and milk. 


Let it mix thoroughly, do not boil the stew again. Serve it with crackers or hot toast. 

Matt added crackers to his and it actually made this much tastier. Word to the wise. 

My Rating: 3/5 "It's the cream that makes it tasty - otherwise you're just eating boiled vegetables. It is nice and hearty, though, and as the title suggests it's a nice cold-weather dinner."
