Mojito Fruit

¾ c. sugar
½ c. water
Zest from 1 lime
1 pkg. basil (leaves only)
1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 pt. blueberries
½ honeydew melon, balled

As I'm sure you're aware, honeydew melons are green inside. I think I may have wound up with a canary melon instead thanks to some creative grocery store labeling. But it was still tasty!

Bring water, sugar, and lime zest to a rolling boil in small saucepan. Reduce heat to simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add basil leaves and let sit for 30 minutes.

And suddenly, without knowing it, I had created a simple syrup.

Strain zest and leaves.

Stir fresh lime juice into syrup. Cool.

Pour over tossed fruit, and chill for 30 minutes or more.

For my first time balling a melon I don't think I did half bad!

Serve in champagne or martini glasses.

It may not be green like it's supposed to be, but it's still pretty.

Garnish with fine lime zest and lavender buds.

NOTE: An Italian Prosecco or champagne would complement the fruit beautifully. 

My Rating: 4/5 "Really refreshing! It's not too sweety-sweet thanks to the basil and lime zest (despite being coated in sugar), and the melon is mellow while the blueberries are a little more tart. A great way to cool down on a summer evening."
