Oatmeal Chip Cookies

Collected & Compiled by the Aberdeen Jaycettes 1963

¾ c. sugar
¾ c. brown sugar
1 c. soft shortening
2 eggs
1 t. salt
1 t. soda
1 ½ c. flour
2 c. oatmeal
1 t. vanilla
1 pkg. chocolate chips

Cream sugar and shortening, add eggs, blend. Sift together salt, soda and flour and blend in. Add remaining ingredients and blend well. 

This is a hefty stir. Get those arm muscles ready!

Bake at 350F 10-15 minutes on greased baking sheet.

Careful not to grease the pan TOO much; they get a little extra-crispy on the bottom if you do.

My Rating: 4/5 "These are damn good. I mean chocolate chip cookies are fine and dandy by themselves, but something about the oatmeal makes them truly memorable. Plus you can cheat yourself into thinking you're being slightly healthier than most cookies. (Disclaimer: You are not being healthy by eating any cookie. Especially these. They have an entire cup of butter in them. But sometimes you might want to treat yo' self, and if you do, these are great.) 
