Firehouse Chicken Quesadilla

8 burrito size flour tortillas
8 oz. shredded hot jalapeno and habanero jack cheese
1 rotisserie chicken breast, shredded
½ cup Chipotle mayonnaise

Build quesadillas by covering 4 tortillas with equal parts cheese and chicken. Drizzle with Chipotle mayonnaise and top with remaining tortillas.

This was the closest thing the store had to chipotle mayo. It sure got the job done!

Bring a large skillet to medium heat. Cook each quesadilla on both sides until lightly browned. Cut into triangles and serve warm.

Just the right amount of stuffins.

My Rating: 4/5 "I was weirded out about putting mayonnaise on a quesadilla, but it's really just a little pop of flavoring that makes these quite nice. These are a nice spicy comfort food, and unique enough that you can feel like you've tried something new."
