Nilla Yogurt Freeze

2 vanilla wafer cookies
2 Tbsp. lite whipped topping
2 Tbsp. strawberry low-fat yogurt

Place 1 of the wafers on the bottom of one paper-lined medium muffin cup; top with combined whipped topping and yogurt.

One of the easiest first steps in the history of cooking.

Cover with remaining wafer.

This continues to be suspiciously easy.

Freeze 1 hour or until firm.

It did a little expanding while it froze, but you still get the general idea.

My Rating: 3/5 "This is a cute idea for a little ice cream sandwich-type thing. First of all, though, you might want to freeze it with the cups in an actual muffin tin so the sandwiches don't ooze themselves into weird shapes in the freezer. The flavor of the yogurt/whipped topping blend is really nice, and I think this might be really delicious if you used bigger, moister cookies."
