Almond Flour Keto Mug Bread

¼ cup almond flour
2 tsp. salted butter
½ tsp. baking powder
1 egg

Mix all ingredients in a mug.

I melted the butter a little first so it would mix with the other ingredients more easily.

Microwave the mug for 90 seconds.


Overturn the mug and it will slide out.

I didn't think it would work, but I'll be damned!

Slice and enjoy alone, as toast or make a sandwich.

I toasted mine and served it with chili.

My Rating: 4/5 "This bread doesn't have a ton of flavor, but it's super-cool to make. It's like one of those science experiments you do when you're a kid and you have no idea how it works but it's still fun as hell. And if you're eating Keto and missing bread, this will do something toward satisfying that craving."
