Black Beans & Polenta

5 tbsp. olive oil
2 medium onions, chopped
5 large cloves garlic, minced
¼ tsp. cayenne
¼ tsp. black pepper
2 tsp. cumin
2 tsp. dried basil
½ tsp. oregano
1 ½ tsp. ground coriander
1 can black beans
2-14 oz cans diced tomatoes
Polenta (or cornbread or rice)

Heat oil in a large skillet. Add everything except the beans & tomatoes. Saute until the onions are soft, about 5 minutes. 

All of these spices smell AMAZING together.

Add tomatoes & beans & heat until bubbling. 

What a combination!

Serve over slices of pan grilled polenta (or cornbread or rice).

We ate it over cornbread the first night and then used rice with the leftovers.

My Rating: 4/5 "This is wonderfully flavorful. Actually, I think the flavor intensifies in the leftovers, so it might be worth it to not eat the entire batch in one sitting. That said, the spices are delicious without being overwhelming and it's a comforting texture to eat. Savory-tasty!"
