Parmesan Broccoli Pasta

1 head broccoli, cleaned
3 qts. Water
1 lb. pasta
5 oz. Parmesan cheese, shredded
1/3 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Does anybody know how the quarantine is affecting our produce supply? The only broccoli Matt could find at the store was unusually small.

Place broccoli in boiling water until al dente, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove and set aside.
Bring water back to a boil and cook pasta according to instructions. Drain, reserving ¼ of the water.

Combine pasta with broccoli, remaining ingredients and reserved water to achieve desired consistency. 

I only used a little splash of the pasta water and the consistency came out just fine - even in the leftovers.

Toss and serve hot.

Look at all that gooey cheesey deliciousness!

My Rating: 4/5 "Comfort food! The cheese and olive oil make for a pleasant, substantial sauce for the pasta. The broccoli lets you kid yourself into thinking you're eating healthy. ;) What this dish lacks in flavor it makes up for with delicious, delicious melted cheese!"
