Red Flannel Hash

3 medium-cooked beets
1 large cooked potato
1 pound ground chuck steak
Salt and pepper
6 tablespoons butter, divided
1 medium onion
2 tablespoons cream

"Medium-cooked" means boiled for about 15 minutes.

Chop beets with potato. Mix well with ground chuck. Add salt and pepper to taste. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a large skillet, add onion chopped, and cook until onions are clear. Stir in the meat/vegetable mix and fry until the meat is moderately cooked.

See? The beets dye everything red. Neato stuff.

Then put it all into a flat baking dish. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in cream and pour this over the hash. 

This mixture doesn't make a huge difference taste-wise, but it keeps everything nice and moist.

Put the baking dish under a broiler for a few minutes until the hash has a good crispy crust. If you don’t have an overhead broiler, simply fry the hash in the skillet until a crust forms on the bottom. Turn in with a spatula from time to time. This is a good breakfast or supper dish, especially with fried or poached eggs on top.

Served with coleslaw. Why? I dunno. Because yay coleslaw!

My Rating: 4/5 "For a Revolutionary War-era recipe, this is still damn satisfying. It's pretty fun how it all turns red, so it has some personality. Thanks to the beets it's also a nice combination of sweet and savory, and it's hearty to boot! I'm still not the world's biggest potato person, but they work well with the other ingredients here."
