Carrot-and-Raisin Salad

The Manischewitz Passover Cookbook, p. 119

3 cups grated raw carrot

¾ cup raisins

½ cup nuts, chopped (optional)


Mix carrots, raisins, and nuts. Moisten with mayonnaise. 

Mayonnaise at your pleasure. Not a fan? Use it sparsely. Love mayo? Load it up!

Chill; serve on crisp lettuce.

The lettuce is, of course, necessary only if you're tryna be all fancy.

My Rating: 4/5 "For vintage 50s food (as you can tell from the raisins and mayo), this is damn tasty. It's sweet and it's crunchy and you get the statisfying sense that you've eaten something substantial. A good side for something spicy or savory."
