Fried Bananas and Apples

The Virginia Presidential Homes Cookbook, p. 54

Bananas, sliced lengthwise

Apples, cored and sliced

Confectionary sugar



It doesn't specify an apple/banana ratio, but I'd suggest going roughly half and half.

Melt butter in large skillet and fry apple slices until lightly browned on both sides. Drain apples on paper towels and sprinkle with confectionary sugar. After finishing the apples, begin frying the bananas adding more butter as necessary. 

Frying bananas: Weird sensation, but tasty results!

When bananas are golden on both sides, remove them to a platter with the apples. In remaining butter, heat and lightly brown pecans. Sprinkle pecans over bananas and garnish platter with sliced oranges.

(I thought I had pecans but it turned out they were walnuts. Somehow everything still turned out ok.)

My Rating: 4/5 "A neato combination of textures and flavors here. It's sweet, but not TOO sweet. I'm assuming that since this is a historical recipe it started out as rich-people food, so enjoy it and feel luxurious!"
