
Cooking the Jewish Way, p. 101

4 oz. rice

1 ½ pints water or stock

½ pinto tomato juice

3 oz. grated cheese

1 oz. butter or margarine


A little paprika pepper

Wash and drain the rice and saute it in the butter or margarine. Add tomato juice, stock, and seasoning. Cover the saucepan tightly and cook gently until all liquid has been absorbed. 

Alternatively, throw everything but the cheese into a rice cooker and hit "go."

It's not quite as fluffy as the recipe probably intends, but it gets the job done.

Work in the grated cheese with a fork.

Served with some dinosaur-shaped gluten-free chicken nuggets. Because why not?

My Rating: 4/5 "I thought this was going to be weird, and it's definitely not like any other risotto I've made, but it's still tasty. You still get the nice substantial feel of the cheese combined with the tartness of the tomato juice. It's very pleasant and nicely filling for all it's a little plain."
