Creamy Fruit Popsicles

Sweet and Sugarfree, p. 112

1 cup plain yogurt

½ cup chopped fresh fruit

Combine ingredients in a blender and whip one minute. 

I used a blend of papaya and kiwi.

Pour into popsicle molds or paper cups with popsicle sticks inserted and freeze.

I couldn't find popsicle sticks at the grocery so I used plastic knives. I had a small debate about whether the cutting end should go inside or outside of the popsicle. I settled on making it the handle. It was masochistic either way.

Peeling off the paper!

And there we have it! One of the junkiest things I've ever made!

My Rating: 2/5 "I couldn't taste the fruit in this at all. It just tastes like unsweetened plain Greek yogurt, but because it's missing the creamy texture of the yogurt it's just icy and weird. I'm giving it a 2 instead of a 1 because we let the baby slurp on one and HE liked it so there must be something going on there. But for me? Meh."
