Omelette with Nuts and Honey

Cooking the Russian Way, p. 164

4 eggs

2 oz. shelled walnuts

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs

2 tablespoons cream

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons butter

Candied fruit or raspberries

Chop the nuts finely, mix with the breadcrumbs and fry in a tablespoon of butter for 2-3 minutes.

These are pecans. They're not an authetic substitution, but they're still tasty.

Stir in the honey, heat and remove from the stove. Add beaten eggs and cream and mix well. Melt the remaining butter, pour in the mixture and fry as an omelette.

Omelettes are done when they still look liquid on the top but they're not runny anymore. 

Fold over and serve with candied fruit or raspberries.

As you can tell, I let it fry a little too long. Served with a some apple chicken breakfast sausage and (oops!) strawberries.

My Rating: 4/5 "This is definitely unique. The honey adds a happy sweetness and the nut mixture gives it a fun texture. I'm not sure it's going to be a fixture for anyone, but it's fun to try once!"
