Sweet Potato Tsimmes with Pineapple

The Jewish Holiday Kitchen, p. 164

4 sweet potatoes

2 tablespoons butter or pareve margarine

One 8-ounce can crushed pineapple, undrained

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon brown sugar

Paprika or marshmallows

Boil sweet potatoes in their jackets until cooked. When done, cool, peel, and mash. Stir in the butter or margarine. Fold in the pineapple, salt, and brown sugar. 

A little Swerve went a long way in this recipe.

This can be cooked ahead of time.

Preheat oven to 400F.

Grease a medium casserole and spoon in mixture. Heat 15 minutes. Remove from oven. Either sprinkle with paprika or, for a sweeter taste, place marshmallows on top, pressing gently into the sweet potatoes, and cook 10 minutes more, or until the marshmallows are golden brown.

I went the paprika route, which added a neato savory element to the dish.

Served with a little yellow rice.

My Rating: 4/5 "The pineapple and sweet potato blend together so well here; it's really a remarkable combination. Loved the counterpoint of the paprika that kept things from getting to sweety-sweet. I'm trying to make more foods that I can share with the baby and this definitely fit the bill!"
