Easy Sausage Pizza


1 pre-baked Italian bread shell crust (12 inches)

1 cup pizza sauce

1 ¼ cups (5 oz.) shredded mozzarella cheese, divided

½ lb. ground Italian sausage, pinched into dime-sized pieces

½ cup chopped green pepper

SPREAD sauce over crust; sprinkle with 1 cup cheese.

SPRINKLE with sausage and green pepper.

I used a cauliflower crust. The closest thing the co-op had to Italian sausage were these sage-chicken links that ended up adding a wonderful dimension to the recipe.

TOP with remaining cheese.

BAKE according to package directions or until sausage is no longer pink and cheese is melted.

So very much toppings!

Measured against the pizza standard in our house. Checks out.

My Rating: 4/5 "Lots of great savoriness to this pizza. There are a LOT of toppings, which are delicious but also make the pizza titch difficult to eat. Still, it's nice to make something this simple that's still filling and satisfying."
