Salade d'Oranges aux Olives

 The Book of Jewish Food, p. 249

4 oranges

Juice of ½-1 lemon or 2-3 tablespoons wine vinegar

3 tablespoon argan oil or light extra-virgin olive oil

3 garlic cloves, crushed in a press or finely chopped


A handful of black olives

1 teaspoon cumin (optional)

1 teaspoon paprika

Pinch of cayenne or chili pepper (optional)

They only had mandarin oranges at Target so I used six of those instead of four navel oranges.

Peel, the oranges, removing the pith. Cut them into slices and then into pieces. Dress with a mixture of lemon juice, oil, garlic, and salt and add the olives. Serve sprinkled with cumin (if using), paprika, and cayenne pepper.

The sprinkling gives the dish an odd look to say the least.

My Rating: 2/5 "This is weird. I try to be as cosmopolitan about food as I can, but this strained my spirit of adventure. The spices give things and weird texture, and on top of that the orange/olive combo didn't quite mesh for me. I'm glad I tried it, but I have to admit I threw out the leftovers."
