German Chocolate Cake

Best Choice

German Chocolate Cake mix

[Ingredients to make mix]


2 egg yolks

¾ cup evaporated milk

¾ cup sugar

1 tablespoon margarine

1-1/2 cups flaked coconut

½ cup chopped nuts

1 teaspoon vanilla

Bake German Chocolate Cake mix.

Beautiful! Now what do we do with it?

Beat eggs, add milk, sugar and margarine.

Cook over medium heat for about 12 minutes, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.

Remove from heat and add coconut, nuts and vanilla. 

Immediate yum.

Spread on cake.

This is harder than it sounds. But worth it!

My Rating: 4/5 "The frosting is easily a 5/5 - I relished every bite. I think a cake from scratch would have been richer and more interesting, i.e. a better compliment to the frosting. But even with the mix it's really tasty and sweet-tooth satisfactory."
