Quick Caprese Pizza

Good & Gather

Pizza crust

Olive oil

Sliced tomato

Fresh basil

Shredded cheese

Balsamic vinegar

Brush crust with olive oil. Top with tomato, basil and cheese. 

I went to two grocery stores and no fresh basil, so I used dried. I also only put it on half of the pizza because my 3YO has strong objections to "green stuff" on their food.

Bake according to crust directions.

Drizzle with vinegar and season with salt and pepper.

But then the 3YO wouldn't eat any of it anyway because he had never seen pizza with "brown sauce" on it before.

My Rating: 4/5 "Great combination of great things in a great balance. A good crust makes or breaks this. I used a Target-brand one and it came out pretty great."
