Quick Salad II

The Country Cookin’ Cookbook Volume 35, p.15

1 can mandarin oranges

1 – 3.4 oz. pkg vanilla or banana instant pudding

[Whipped topping]

2 c. miniature marshmallows

Bananas, sliced (optional)

Mix oranges and dry pudding together.

I used three of these because I didn't see anything in the specified size at Target.

Add Cool Whip and marshmallows. Fold in.

Add bananas just before serving. 


Served with blue-box mac and cheese for a very orange lunch.

My Rating: 4/5 "This hits the sweet tooth really hard, and that's fun. If I made it again I'd use less pudding mix, because the amount that's in here makes it a little too rich and a teensy bit gritty-feeling. I did really enjoy the addition of bananas to the standard Midwest fluff salad!"
