Fresh Green Beans

1 ½ pounds fresh green beans
½ teaspoon salt
Cold water

Put the green beans into a colander. Rinse them with cold running water. 

Cheap cheap cheap at Southside Produce!

Then break off both ends of each bean. Throw the ends away.

Put the beans into a saucepan. Add the salt and just enough water to cover the beans.

Taming the unwieldy wild things. 

Place the pan over high heat. When the water begins to boil, or bubble quickly, turn the heat down to medium low.

Cover the pan and let the beans simmer, or cook gently, for 10 minutes.

All the little impurities float away like magic. It's a beautiful thing.

Have an adult help you pour the water and the beans into the colander at the sink. 

They are humbled. You can tell. 

Put the beans into a serving bowl. 

Or, I mean, just plate them. Maybe even with Chicken Veloute

My Rating: 2/5 "Plain boiled veggies. Blech. But the price was right!" 
