Polynesian Pork Chops

4 to 6 lean pork chops
1 can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple
1 cup barbecue sauce

I crushed my own pineapple, first because Trader Joe's didn't have any canned stuff, and also because why not. 

Place pork chops in greased 3 ½ to 5-quart slow cooker. 

These were nice and cool and relaxing to touch. 

Combine pineapple and barbecue sauce, and pour over meat. 

This is where stuff starts lookin' weird.

Bye bye, pork chops. 

Cook on high heat 3-4 hours or on low heat 6-8 hours.

Serve with buttered sweet potatoes. 

Naw. Ciabatta roll > buttered sweet potatoes. 

My Rating: 3/5 "This was ok. It was good. It wasn't great. I was a little disappointed that I spent $12 on nice meat just to soak it in some stuff for a while. It didn't even get really moist or tender - just juicy on the outside and dry on the inside. (Although the leftovers were a little better.) Maybe the slow cooker just isn't the venue for pork. I dunno. But I like pineapple."
