Beer Batter Onion Rings

Ratio, p. 75

1 large onion
4 ounces flour (about ¾ cup)
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 ounces pale ale
2 ounces egg (1 large egg)
[oil for deep-frying]

You can make the onion slices anywhere between 1/2-inch and one inch. It's up to you. Choose your own adventure.

This is the beer that was chosen as tribute.

Combine the flour, salt, pepper, and baking powder (if your baking powder is chunky, push it through a strainer). Combine the beer and the egg and whisk until the egg is uniformly dispersed. 

An egg soaking in beer. There's a sight you don't see every day.

Add the flour mixture to the liquid and whisk until uniformly combined.

Beer batter!

Slice the onion and separate it into rings. Dip onion rings in the batter and fry in hot vegetable or canola oil until golden brown and cooked through. 

Cover a plate in paper towels to hold the rings when they're done frying.

And then they look like THIS!

Served up with (and a great accent for ) some Indian food!

My Rating: 3/5 "A really nifty little concoction, and you can actually taste the beer in the dough! It's awesome that it only calls for four ounces of beer so we got to drink the rest as we cooked. ;) We had some trouble getting the dough to stick to the onion as it was frying, so I'd recommend not mixing the liquid and flour mixtures to make the batter. Instead, dip the onions in the liquid mixture and then coat that in the dry batter. It might cling a little better that way. Overall this is a unique recipe with great flavor!" 
