Get Up and Go Green!

1 ½ cups frozen peaches
1 cup fresh spinach, loosely packed
1 fresh kiwi, peeled and cut into quarters
½ peeled and sliced frozen banana
¼ cup orange juice
¾ cup vanilla almond milk

Combine all ingredients in blender.

Sneaky vegetables in my smoothie!

Blend to desired consistency.

It's certainly green! It's a fun congratulate-yourself-on-eating-well kind of green.

My Rating: 4/5 "I'm normally really skeptical of smoothies with vegetables in them. The concept makes me feel like I've been tricked. But this one is really good, the flavor combination is actually refreshing, and you feel like a million bucks afterward. Full disclosure: I actually made this for dinner, because there's no way in the world I'd ever have time to cook anything for breakfast, and it was a nice way to wind down the day."
