Japanese Cooking, p. 166
2 large carrots, peeled
5ml/1 tsp salt
30ml/2 tbsp sesame seeds
75ml/5 tbsp rice vinegar
30ml/2 tbsp shoyu (use the pale awakuchi
soy sauce if available)
45ml/3 tbsp mirin
Cut the carrots into thin matchsticks, 5cm/2in long.
Put the carrots and salt into a mixing bowl, and mix well with your hands.
After 25 minutes, rinse the wilted carrot in cold water, then drain.
In another bowl, mix together the marinade ingredients.
I cheated and used pre-matchsticked carrots. But doing that made this recipe SO incredibly easy to prepare. |
Add the carrots, and leave to marinate for 3 hours.
Put a small pan on high heat, add the sesame seeds and
toss constantly until the seeds start to pop. Remove from the heat and cool.
My seeds never really popped - they just kind of sizzled until they started smelling like they were burning and I yelled "NO YOU STOP THAT" and took them off the heat. |
Chop the sesame seeds with a large, sharp knife on a
large chopping board. Place the carrots in a bowl, sprinkle with the sesame
seeds and serve cold.
Such a happy addition to a plate! |
My Rating: 5/5 "This is the perfect little side. The marinade makes the carrots taste great without overwhelming their sweetness. The chopped sesame seeds add a fun crunch. And (again, if you cheat and buy matchstick carrots) it's almost effortless to make. Win-win-win!"
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