Cocoa Macaroons

The Way of All Cookies, p. 12

3 egg whites
1 ¼ cups beet sugar
1/3 cup cocoa
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups (two 4-oz. pkgs.) shredded coconut

In a 1 1/2 -qt. saucepan beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks but are still moist. Fold in sugar, cocoa and salt. Place on medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring continuously (this blends sugar and cocoa into whites). 

So I freaked out about not knowing what "beet sugar" was, but it turns out that most regular granulated sugar is at least partly made of beet sugar, or at least it may or may not be but there's no way to know. TL;DR regular sugar is fine.

Remove from heat. Blend in flavoring and coconut. 

Already lookin' delicious!

Drop by teaspoonfuls onto lightly greased cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Bake in a slow oven (300F) about 10 min. (will puff up). Cool on cake rack.

Getting firm (but still so moist)!

My Rating: 5/5 "These are spectacular. I forget sometimes that powdered cocoa is actually quite rich and delicious - especially when combined with the nice coconut flavor. On top of that, these are SO moist and nice to chew. I'm not sure I can go back to prepackaged macaroons after this." 
