Pumpkin Soup of Rhode Island

A Taste of Colonial Cooking, p. 4

2 cups pumpkin puree

3 cups milk

2 tbsp butter

1 tsp sugar

1/8 tsp salt

¼ tsp white pepper ground

1/8 tsp ground mace or nutmeg

Toasted bread slices

Heat the milk slowly until it is hot. 

This takes a hot second. Budget time.

Add the pumpkin puree (freshly prepared or canned), butter, sugar, salt and pepper, then mace or nutmeg. 

Brief mac 'n' cheese vibes.

Simmer very gently for 3-4 minutes. Taste for seasoning. Serve in bowl with slice of white toast floating on top of each portion.

Behold! Edible history.

My Rating: 4/5 "Simple, easy and tasty. It's a thicker soup, but comforting that way. I think a fancier whole-grain bread on top would be nice."
