The New England Yankee Cookbook, p. 254
1 egg
7/8 cup sour cream (about)
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour, sifted
1 teaspoon soda
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon cloves
½ cup raisins
Break the egg into a cup and fill cup with sour cream.
Egg and sour cream, together at last? |
Pour into a bowl and beat thoroughly with Dover egg beater. Add sugar and beat. Sift remaining dry ingredients twice and add to egg, cream and sugar mixture. Pour into a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven (350F.) 45 minutes.
Kind of a stiff batter, but it works. |
Makes 1 (8-inch) square cake. Or pour into muffin tins and make into
cup cakes. Makes 12 cup cakes. Stewed prunes, cut into pieces, may be added,
and ¼ cup prune juice substituted for ¼ cup of the sour cream. Nuts may also be
substituted for the raisins. Serve with a big pitcher of creamy milk.
Boom! Old-timey spice cake! |
My Rating: 4/5 "The flavor here is spectacular. The spice combination is rich and interesting. My only hangup was that the texture was a little thick: My kid's friend just poked their fork in, picked up the whole thing, and ate it like a treat on a stick at the fair. But this is an older recipe and tastes have changed, so I'm sure in its day the thickenss was a-ok."
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