
Hometown Favorites 1880-2005 125th Celebration Redfield, South Dakota, p. 36

2 c. biscuit mix

1 egg

½ c. vegetable oil

1 1/3 c. club soda

Mix all ingredients together well and pour on your waffle iron. 

I do love my space-age waffle iron.

This batter will not keep, so cook the entire batch and freeze what is left over.

Served with some nice maple chicken sausage.

My Rating: 3/5 "Unfortunately these weren't much to write home about. I'm not sure what the role of the club soda was - did it make them fluffier or something? Regardless, they were just a very basic waffle. I should note that my three-year-old, who was mostly in the game for the maple syrup, was absolutely wild about them."
