Pimiento Cheese Sandwich Spread

Charles Patteson’s Kentucky Cooking, p. 22

10 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, grated

½ cup very finely chopped green olives

¼ cup minced pimientos

½ cup mayonnaise

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

In a food processor, meat grinder or by hand, combine all of the ingredients and mix well.

I thought the olives were an interesting touch.

An immersion blender did the job for me in a much easier and cleaner way.

Refrigerate until ready to use.

We had the final product on sandwiches at first, but the next night used it as a nice spread for crackers.

My Rating: 4/5 "I'm pretty sure there's no way to make pimiento cheese badly. I loved the saltiness the olives added to the overall effect. I thought it was odd that it didn't include cream cheese, and it was missing a little substance because of that. But still - awesome food from an equally awesome cookbook."
