Snow-Capped Cookies

Best Choice

1 package refrigerated cookie dough, any flavor

About 18 regular marshmallows, cut in half


½ cup chocolate chips

¼ cup milk

2 tablespoons margarine

2 cups sifted powdered sugar

Extra milk (optional)

Prepare cookies according to package directions, using a rounded teaspoon of dough for each cookie. Bake cookies according to package directions, removing cookies from oven 3 minutes before baking time is up. Remove cookies from oven and place ½ of a marshmallow in center of each cookie. Return to oven and bake 3 minutes longer. 

I think I let the oven door slam a little too hard when I put them in. Chaos!

Cool cookies on wire racks. Drizzle with frosting.

Work with this fast, because the frosting solidifies quickly.

And when it does, it's beautiful!

My Rating: 4/5 "Such a simple concept, and yet one that would never have occurred to me on my own. The black-and-white aesthetic is eye-catching. The fluffy marshmallow texture makes for interesting chewing. And they really are cheap and simple. It's not haute cuisine, but it is tasty and fun."
