Cherry Grog

World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, p. 196

6 ounces ginger beer

4 ½ ounces rum

3 ounces tart cherry juice

1 ½ ounces lime juice

Lime slices and/or cherries, for garnish

Lime seemed much more manageable.  

I do love this stuff. Even on its own it's delicious.

Fill two rocks glasses halfway with ice. Combine all ingredients except the garnish in a cocktail mixer or pitcher, shaking or stirring to mix. Divide equally into two glasses; garnish with cherries, lime, or both, and enjoy!

Featuring my favorite cocktail glass!

My Rating: 4/5 "This is nice and tart, and although there's definitely a ton of rum in here you can't taste it hardly at all. (I used white rum; I'm not sure how the darker stuff would have turned out.) I don't know that it tastes particularly piratey, but the name suggests you could drink this while you play Jack Sparrow and have a great time."
